- URI and port number
- QA environment: idp.qa.eu.noah-es.com:443
- EU Production: idp.eu.noah-es.com:443
- US Production: idp.us.noah-es.com:443
- ClientId: Supplied by HIMSA
- Scope: openid profile noah.cloud.app.api
- If relevant for your app and app registration allows: offline_access
- Flow: Authorization Code + PKCE
- RedirectURI: IdP will redirect the client to this after successful authentication, with tokens for accessing the API. You must inform HIMSA about this, because we need to whitelist it
- Extra options
culture-lcid: Culture LCID code for localizing the website
- auth_code: Must be exchanged afterwards for an access token
- Id token
- tenantid claim: The tenantId that the user selected
3. Exchange auth_code for an access token