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Noah ES App Certification Highlights:
Each Noah ES App is required to pass the HIMSA Certification process at least once per year (365 days)
The certification process starts by the HIMSA member company completing the App conformance testing and report.
These materials are found at himsa.com
Once the test steps and report have been submitted, HIMSA will then arrange for an Audit meeting where at which random tests will be repeated for HIMSA to observe.
Q: If an App releases new versions after certification, is the App creator responsible for having another certification by HIMSA?
A: No, unless the app uses a new version of the API. If the member wishes to apply for certification, it is then optional.
Q: Is it possible for a Member Company to request a preliminary and unofficial audit?
A: Yes, sometimes, HIMSA member companies may wish to know early on if their app will pass the audit process to reduce the risk that an unexpected failure is discovered before a fixed release date. HIMSA can proceed through this audit process and report the findings. If there are no negative findings, the app is still not considered Certified.