The EZJournal application is intended as a demonstration of how one might create a responsive UI that works with the new Noah Mobile services.
The EZJournal application consists of four files; NoahMobileDemo.exe, MobileAccessLayer.dll, iLynx.Common.dll and iLynx.PubSub.dll. These files can be copied to any location as long as they remain in the same folder.
Before running the EZJournal application:
- make sure that Internet Explorer 10 or later, or a recent version of either the Chrome or Firefox web browser, is installed.
- The EZJournal application requires .NET 4.5 or better is installed.
- When running the EZJournal application for the first time – make sure the application runs with administrative privileges.
Assuming a NoahMobile enabled Business System has been installed and is running. Please see the previous section. The Business System should now be accessible to the EZJournal application.
Double-click on the NoahMobileDemo.exe file to start the app.
To connect to a server, press the “Add New Server” button. Then enter the Noah Mobile Alias, that you configured in Noah System, as the Noah Mobile Service Name. Press the right-arrow or select enter and the app will check if the server name is valid.
Provided the server name is valid and the right-arrow button has a ‘Green’ background, you can now save the server and “Log in” to it from the previous server browser dialog.