Noah 4 Module API Questions and Answers
Noah 4 Module API Questions and Answers
What kind of support can I expect from HIMSA while developing my module?
Are there any other documents I should could reference that will help me understand how my module should function?
Which data type should I use when saving my data?
Where can I find the different data standards and their formats?
What is the proper way to be prepared for data standards?
My product has a model and Serial number. Even though I am not a hearing device manufacturer can I use the HI selection data types so my product’s model and serial number show up in the Noah 4 System Devices GUI?
Can I use the fitting datatypes, 131 and 132, if my product has to be programmed?
Will HIMSA help me understand an Audiogram and other medically oriented Audiology questions?
The SDK is geared more towards Fitting and Measurement module developers. What can I gain from reading it?
Can I use the sample module to build my module?
Can I distribute HIMSA files with my module installation package?
Do you have any Audiometric sample data and/or other Measurement data?
Does my module have to get certified?
If my module reads format 200 Audiometric data what do I do when the audiometric data is format 500?
If I click on my module’s icon in the Noah 4 toolbar more than once multiple instances of my module open. Doesn’t Noah stop this?
Is it my responsibility to update the Globob.stg with my manufacturerid?
How can I tell which version of Noah is installed?
Is there a way I can store general information in Noah that is special for my module?
What type of XML encoding can I use when my module saves data to Noah?
What kind of support can I expect from HIMSA while developing my module?
Which data type should I use when saving my data?
What are the different Blob files and the Blob file size limits?