
The ICustomMetaDataCtrl interface is defined in the CommonControlsLibrary assembly.

A CustomMetaData control must implement this interface on the usercontrol to show in the Manual export form.

namespace CommonControlsLibrary.Implementation {

public interface ICustomMetaDataCtrl {

/// <summary>

/// The resulting data from the CustomControl.

/// It is transmitted in the signature element as base64 encoded data.

/// </summary>

byte[] CustomMetaData { get; set; }

/// <summary>

/// Is the entries OK and can we transmitted

/// </summary>

/// <returns></returns> bool IsOkValidation();

/// <summary>

/// The BusinessSystemUserID to use in transmission.

/// </summary>

string BusinessSystemUserID { get; set; }

/// <summary>

/// Initializes the control with a ref to the BusinessApi.

/// </summary>

void Initialize(BusinessAPI _businessServer);



Sample of a CustomMetaDataControl in the Export form. The customMetaDataCtrl occupies the space in the middle of the form between the 2 lines.