Module Deployment

Module Deployment

Modules must be deployed locally on each workstation on which they will be used. The installation of a module’s files must be handled by the module’s setup program.
If the module requires a specific version of Noah e.g. Noah 4.0 or Noah 4.4 this can be retrieved by a registry key made available by Noah. The version string for the first release of Noah 4 is ‘’.


This key can be found here (on a 32 bit operating system):


This key can be found here (on a 64 bit operating system):



Important information – please notice:

It is not acceptable for Modules to distribute HIMSA assemblies and/or files. The Noah installer will install the necessary files in the GAC, and the Module installer is not allowed to install own copies on the PC. Neither is it acceptable for Modules to install any files in the HIMSA/Noah folders.

There should not be a reason for a Module to distribute files made by HIMSA and distributed by Noah, so they should be removed from the Modules installer.

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