ModuleAlias Object

ModuleAlias Object

The ModuleAlias object represents the information of a module’s ability to replace one or more modules functionality.
Upon registering the module, it is possible to provide Manufacturer - and ModuleID of the modules, which actions the registering module is able to replace. Should the ModuleAlias be uninstalled, the registering module will take its place.
Do note, that a module alias will be able to replace the given module, which is different from Actionmake and ActionShow, which is indicating that the module in question can make and show actions of the given data type.

Code sample – Module Registration

using (var regData = new Himsa.Noah.Modules.RegistrationData


ModuleName = "Here goes the module name",

Version = "", /* The version string of the module – this string is visible via

// the module button bar*/

ModuleCategory = 1, /* The value one is for a meassurement module */
ExePath = executablePath, /* This is the absolute path+filename of the modules

executable file */

ManufacturerId = _manufacturerId, /* The manufacturers ID */

ManufacturerModuleId = _manufacturerModuleId, /* The manufacturers module ID */

ButtonDLLPath = "", /* The absolute path+filename of the modules LOGO Dll */

HelpPath = "", /* The absolute path+filename of the modules Help file */

PrintHandler = "", /* The absolute path+filename of the modules printhandler

component */

Show = true, /* Is the module visible */

ActionMake = new List<Himsa.Noah.Modules.Registration.DataType>


       new Himsa.Noah.Modules.Registration.DataType {DataTypeCode = 1, DataFmtStd = 100},

       new Himsa.Noah.Modules.Registration.DataType {DataTypeCode = 1, DataFmtStd = 200}


ActionShow = new List<Himsa.Noah.Modules.Registration.DataType>


       new Himsa.Noah.Modules.Registration.DataType {DataTypeCode = 1, DataFmtStd = 100},

       new Himsa.Noah.Modules.Registration.DataType {DataTypeCode = 1, DataFmtStd = 200}


Protocols = null,

ModuleAlias = new List<Himsa.Noah.Modules.Registration.ModuleAlias>


       new Himsa.Noah.Modules.Registration.ModuleAlias {ManufactureId = 1, ModuleId = 2}


IMCServer = "",

UninstallCmd = ""



       using (var registration = new Himsa.Noah.Modules.Registration())





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