Launching and Connecting the Module
Please observe that you are only allowed to have a single instance of the ModuleAPI per module.
The following is a simplified example of how to instantiate the ModuleAPI, and how to setup callback’s and event handling and connecting to Noah:
// Connect Module to Noah 4 and subscribe to the events.
// Use MyNoahEventHandler as event receiver
public void MyConnectToNoahMethod()
       // myModuleAPI represents the modules only instance of the ModuleAPI.
       if (myModuleAPI == null)
           myModuleAPI = new Himsa.Noah.Modules.ModuleAPI();
    /* Subscribe to ModuleAPI events. ‘MyNoahEventHandler’ represents a method that handles
  the Noah events. A simple implementation has been shown in a previous sample.*/
       myModuleAPI.EventPublisher.Notify += MyNoahEventHandler;
       /* before the module connects to Noah it can read the ‘Print’ and ‘ActionGroup’ properties
       via the GetLaunchInfo() method of the moduleAPI instance.
         launchInfo.Print which indicates that the module is expected to perform a print job.
       launchInfo.ActionGroup which indicates that if the module is launched to perform a print job
       it must print action belonging to this action group.*/
       LaunchInfo launchInfo = myModuleAPI.GetLaunchInfo();
       /* moduleid represents the modules identifier and callback is an instance of a class that
       implements the Himsa.Noah.Modules.ICallbackHandler Interface.
       This is where the module connects to Noah.
      if launchInfo.Print is true, the module connects as print handler. In this situation the
       module must do the printing and immediately after
       printing disconnect.   */
      ConnectRes res;
         res = moduleAPI.Connect(moduleID, callback, launchInfo.Print, true);
         if (res != ConnectRes.Ok) {
            if (res == ConnectRes.ModuleNotRegistered)  {
              // Register module and connect again
            }else {
         // Report error and exist
  /* when successfully connected to Noah the module can read various properties from the
 moduleAPI instance.
  e.g. myModuleAPI.EditOldActionsAllowed returns true then the business system allows actions
  older than the current calendar day to be edited.
  e.g. myModuleAPI.CurrentPatient returns a Patient object if a current patient has been
  selected otherwise null.
  e.g. myModuleAPI.CurrentUser returns a User object that represents the current user.
  e.g. myModuleAPI.LanguageId returns a windows LCID representing the selected language of the
  business system.
  when successfully connected to Noah the module can read various properties via the
  GetLaunchInfo() method of the moduleAPI instance.*/
   launchInfo = myModuleAPI.GetLaunchInfo();
  /* e.g. launchInfo.ModuleId represents the module id that is expected to launch.
  e.g. launchInfo.IMCClient represents an IMC handle that the module is expected to connect
  e.g. launchInfo.Action represents an action object that the module is expected to launch
  e.g. launchInfo.UnboundAction represents an unbound action object that the module is
  expected to launch with.
   catch (Exception ex)
  myModuleAPI = null;