Module ID for Noah registration

Module ID for Noah registration

In order to register your Noah Mobile compatible app in Noah you will need a "ModuleID". For companies that also are developing a traditional Noah compatible module (Fitting, Measurement, Other) this is a well known ID, otherwise keep reading.

The moduleID is created from the Manufacturer ID and a self created Module ID. The Manufacturer ID is assigned from HIMSA and will be used for all your modules or apps to be able to show your company name in Noah. The ModuleID that is needed for Noah registration is a 32 bit value created the following way:
ModuleID = 65536*ManufacturerID + Your company's 16 bit unique id for the module/app
(ModuleID (32bit) = ManufacturereID (HIWORD) AND Self created ModuleID (LOWORD))

An example:
If you are from HIMSA and are making an app you should know that HIMSA's Manufacturer ID is 99. Internally we have decided that our internal id for the module/app is 200 (unique 16 bit ID assigned by your company).

Module ID = 65536*99+200=6488264

Now Noah can calculate that the App/Module is made by your company and will show this in different screens inside Noah.

Distribution of Manufacturer ID

In order to have existing Noah installations to be aware of your Manufacturer ID you will have to distribute the "globob.stg" for Noah. This is automatically updated with new versions of Noah, but you may experience that your module or app is registered to an older Noah installation. In this case you will have to update the Noah installation - please follow these guidelines.

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