Noah 4 - Switching to Noah ES

These instructions apply if you or your business are currently using Noah 4 and you are preparing to upgrade to Noah ES.

  1. Calculate your Noah ES subscription price based on number of Noah ES users and other options here:

  2. Review technical prerequisites to be sure you are Ready for Noah ES, details follow.

  3. Verify you are running the latest version of Noah, details and download below.

  4. Sign up for a Noah ES account - indicate your interest here.

  5. Log in to Noah ES for the first time, step by step directions and ‘how to’ video found later on this page.

Related Topics

First - Review the technical prerequisites before continuing

Important Note:

Does your Business System or Noah Mobile App Support Noah ES?

In February 2023, the Noah ES integration API was made available to our member companies. As Business Systems and Noah Mobile apps are integrated with Noah ES, HIMSA will certify these systems and provide a list of the certified products on our website.

In the meantime, please let your preferred Business System and Noah Mobile app suppliers know that you are ready for Noah ES integration.

Before you Upgrade

  1. If you are currently using Noah System 4 you will need to upgrade to Noah 4.14.2 or higher first

  2. If you use a networked installation of Noah System 4, remember that your Noah Server and the Noah client workstations need to all be upgraded first. Upgrading all PCs first will help ensure the smoothest possible move to Noah ES.

  3. If you are looking at updating to Noah 4.15.0, first review:

4. Download Noah here:


If you need to get an account set up please let us know here.

Set up Noah ES user accounts and manage your Noah ES in the Noah ES Portal.

If you are moving a Noah System patient database, please find detailed steps here: