Noah ES login interface mismatch or missing profile to Noah ES
When attempting to log in to Noah ES, the server name is displayed as expected, NoahES US or NoahES EU, but the username field and spot for password is shown as if logging in to Noah System.
In this case there is an issue with a corrupt file responsible for the login profile.
Follow these steps to create a new profile:
Cancel the log in
Navigate to C:\ProgramData\HIMSA\Noah
Under View, choose to Show ‘File name extensions’
Locate the file BusinessSystemSettings.xml
Right click and rename the .xml extension to .test
Launch Noah and click Next on the “Welcome to Noah System 4'
In the Configuration Wizard, choose the option to store patient records in Noah ES
Click Next, Next and Finish
Any references to Noah licensing can be ignored
At the log in drop down, select NoahES US or NoahES EU depending on your location