Gathering log files with the Noah Log Utility
The Noah Log Utility contains a record of Noah’s activity and can be useful for support purposes should problems occur. You can easily create a zipped package of the Noah log files and attach to an issue in the Noah ES Support Portal.
Note: Due to the logging issues of versions prior to Noah 4.15.3 and 4.14.3, please note that you might be advised to use the stand-alone log utility instead of Noah Console for these earlier versions.
Using Noah version prior to 4.15.3 and 4.14.3
Run the downloaded tool.
In the Noah Log Export Tool, press the Zip all log files to desktop button.
Using Noah 4.14.3 or 4.15.3
To collect Noah logs, open the Noah Console. The Noah Console is found when in Noah ES under Setup, Administration, Noah Console. Another option is to click on the Windows Start button and enter Noah Console under Search.
When the Noah Console opens, click on Noah Log Utility in the left-hand menu.
Then select Zip log files to Desktop.
The zipped log file package can be uploaded to the Noah ES support system.
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