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HIMSA Certification

The WSI contract that your company signed with HIMSA does not stipulate that your solution pass HIMSA's certification procedure but it is highly recommended. The certification procedure is designed to better ensure that your solution will act as you intend it to. Passing the procedure also provides your company to state that your system is certified by HIMSA, something that many hearing care professionals have come to place a great deal of faith in.
Please see and for more details

Noah System

The WSI API requires that the hearing care business use Noah System. It is possible that they are currently using another Noah compatible business system. If they are currently using another Noah compatible business system, the business will need to convert from the full business system integration to Noah System. For these instances, it is best that they speak with their current supplier for the best way to move to Noah System. See for a complete list of systems. The "Type" column will list "business" or "WSI"
A quick way to determine if they are using Noah System is to ask if the login screen looks like the picture to the left when logging into Noah.
It is recommended that the site use the latest release of Noah System before your integration is enabled.

Site License

Noah System is licensed on a site basis. In basic terms this means that each physical office location needs a separate Noah System license. Please see for more details. If a business needs to purchase more licenses they can do so via any of HIMSA's distributors, see for a complete list. As a HIMSA member company, you may also become a distributor as well, please contact your HIMSA representative for more information. The site license enables offices to install Noah on as many computers as they wish for that 1 physical office.
Please note the site license concept also applies to the WSI license fees

WSI License Fees

This section is provided as a quick summary. Please refer to your HIMSA contract for full details
The license structure comes in two different main options:


Q: Does HIMSA make special considerations for free site licenses for beta and release testing?
A: No.

Noah System Support

Your company is not obliged to provide support services for Noah System (e.g. installation, upgrade, network troubleshooting). In this case the company that sold them Noah System is responsible. HIMSA does not provide support directly to businesses but rather provides 2nd level support to the company that is providing support.
Your company is responsible for providing support to WSI integration as the first level support engineers will have no idea how this works. HIMSA is prepared to provide 2nd level support to your support engineers.
If you wish to provide support for Noah System as a service you are of course welcome to. Before doing so please have your technical staff complete the HIMSA support certification program which is online and provided at no cost to your company. Please see for more details.

Introduction to Audiology

Many developers and technical support staff have had little direct experience with audiology before. For this reason, HIMSA's Amanda O'Donnell, a U.S. licensed Audiologist, has put together a set of courses to provide an overview of audiology for these new employees.
The training material is not designed for audiologists but rather individuals who need a quick but thorough introduction to audiology.
This is also a free online course.

Getting your system setup

Typically, it is desired that the hearing care office have their Noah System installation networked, meaning that all workstations in the office are using the same shared database. If this is not done it may complicate your setup. Not all offices have a shared database.
Next steps are:


The WSI runtime license is a license tied to your companies account. The same license installation program is used on each of your customer's installation. The runtime license file is good for 1 year and HIMSA will create a new file to you each Spring. It is your company's responsibility to distribute this new license file. However, if the Noah System server is connected to the internet the installation will attempt to perform this function.

Who to contact if you have questions or needs help with an installation setup

WSI support is handled by our web site at This page is not publicly available. Please contact your HIMSA representative to setup individual accounts for your employeesbased support system.