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Noah ES United States

Unfortunately, Noah ES is currently down. We are working on getting it back up. For updates, please see: 

Noah ES Status Page

Noah ES Service Status

In the interim, please bookmark the following page for anytime the internet is down or there is an issue: 

Directions on how to work with Noah using your local database.

Is it possible to use Noah ES if my internet connection is temporarily not available?

If you are unable to find a resolution to
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If you cannot resolve your issue, your Noah administrator(s)

is able to

can open a support issue

via the support system by clicking here: Noah ES Service Status

, and a HIMSA support engineer will investigate and respond.

Open Support Issue Here


When submitting an issue to the support portal, the more information you can provide the better.

  1. Describe the steps to reproduce the problem. Describe exactly what you do before the problem appears, as well as any error messages you receive.

  2. If an error message is happening try to include Noah log files. The Noah Log Utility contains a record of Noah’s activity and can be useful for debugging purposes should problems occur.

    1. To collect Noah 4 logs, you must first launch the Noah Console.

    2. When the Noah Console opens, click on Noah Log Utility in the left-hand menu.

    3. Then click on the button Zip log files to desktop.

    4. You will have to ability to attached the log when creating the support request.

After submitting your issue the support portal will send an email confirmation to you.  The email will come from HIMSA responses will be made via the support portal and you will receive additional updates. 

You are welcome to continue to use the links provided in the email to manage your issue via the support portal or you can simply reply to the email.  Please note that it is not possible to start an issue by sending an email.  All issues must first start via the support portal.

Please add to your email contacts to help ensure that emails are not placed in a junk/spam or unfocused folder within your email application.


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NoahES Portal Links
NoahES Portal Links

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NoahES Portal Links
NoahES Portal Links

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NoahES Portal Links
NoahES Portal Links