The information provided on this portal does not contain all necessary tools to complete an integration, rather a focus on information. The complete SDK is made available via The complete SDK can be found at
Microsoft released .NET 5 in November 2020. .NET technology is used by HIMSA and also many member companies.
At present, HIMSA does not have any plans to make use of .NET 5 for the features that we deliver (e.g. Noah System 4 user interface) and will continue to target the use of .NET 4.6. HIMSA is, however, aware of member companies that are interested in making use of .NET 5 with their Noah compatible application development.
Making use of .NET 5 with Noah 4 API’s is currently not supported. HIMSA has verified that it is not possible for a .NET 5 application to make use of the below API’s due to HIMSA’s use of .Net Remoting, this is a known incompatibility and impacts the following API’s:
Noah 4 Module API
Noah 4 Business API
Inter Module Communication (IMC)
HIMSA is conducting investigations for options on a potential solution. HIMSA has targeted a solution for availability 1st quarter 2022. More information will be posted here as it becomes available.