“This site can’t be reached” - Solutions are Available

Apr 10, 2024 Important Update for all Noah ES Users Experiencing “This site can’t be reached” - Solutions are Available

In March 2024 some unexpected updates were included in the Chrome and Edge browsers. Subsequently, these updates were later rolled back. Although the issue is currently not present HIMSA does expect the updates to return later in 2024.

HIMSA will continue to monitor for these changes.

To best be prepared HIMSA strongly recommends upgrading the Noah ES Client to version 4.15.2 which will provide protection against any future problems with this issue.

See below for further details


The error shown in the Chrome or Edge browser is “This site can’t be reached” Err_Connection_Refused. The Noah login window will show an error in red text: “Invalid login. Please try again”





Noah ES Client Software Update

The best option to ensure there are no issues is to download and install Noah 4.15.2

Q: Do I need to upgrade all of my PCs at the same time?

A: No, you can upgrade PCs as you have time. Is it completely fine to have some PC’s using an older version of the Noah ES Client software at the same time.

Please see for the software download link as well as important information on the upgrade process.

Quick Fix

If you experience the problem and do not have immediate time to upgrade, please follow this tip.

Changing the default Browser in Windows

If you already have Firefox installed, select Windows Start and type “default” and select Default Apps. The Default Apps settings screen will appear. Search for Firefox in the list of apps and select it. The top of the next window will then provide a choice to “set default”. Close all open Noah Windows and try logging in again.