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An Action object holds information about an action performed during a patient’s visit. In addition to the actual action data, an Action object contains information about what kind of action it is which user created it, a description of the action and a reference to a collection of referenced actions. Noah 4 introduces two new concepts called Archived Actions and NonCurrentAction – please refer to The Concept of Archived Actions and The Concept of NonCurrent Actions for a description. After creating a new Action object – this Action object can be added to the object hierarchy of the active patient using the ModuleAPI in one of two ways: 1) The new Action can now be added to the current Session object’s actions collection of the active patient. 2) If the intent is to make the new Action object appear as if it was created at an earlier date, then this is possible by using the current Patient object by using the AddNonCurrentAction method.
The default behavior for Noah is that after you have attached an Action to the object hierarchy you can modify its properties whenever you like. Actions can only be modified by the module that added it. A module can access information regarding actions through Action Objects. Examples of Action information is - the kind of action, the user that created the action, the module that created the action, and a description of the action. For further details about the Action object, please refer to the ‘Namespaces,' under 'ModuleAPI Assembly' in the Noah 4 'ModuleAPI.chm' file. HIMSA requests that developers ensure their modules do not attempt to modify any UnBoundAction created by another module. In Noah 4, version 4.7, the concept of ‘Fast Data View’ has been added. A Fast Data View is a resume (generated by the module) of the action, and suitable for quick previewing without the time-consuming process of opening the relevant module. Currently supported data formats are Rtf, Jpg and Pdf. There can only be one Fast Data View for each Action Group. When adding a Fast Data View for an action, the Fast Data Views for the other actions in the Action Group (if any) will be deleted. |
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