The Concept of NonCurrent Actions

The Concept of NonCurrent Actions

In NOAH 3 it was NOT possible to create Actions with a date that different from the current calendar day.

This has changed in Noah 4.  By default Noah will allow Actions to be created on non current calendar days. However this only applies to Noah 4 modules and there is one exception to this rule:

  1. This feature can be disabled by the Business System.

This feature has been added to allow Noah 4 modules to create an Action that should not belong to the current calendar day. Using the ‘AddNonCurrentAction’ method of the Patient object in the ModuleAPI, the Noah 4 module can create e.g. a measurement Action with a date that reflects the date where the actual measurement took place.

Editing a NonCurrent Action will even though it was just created cause the Action to be archived.

Example 3) Create an action that will belong to a date that is different from today’s date.

In this example we assume that we have an instantiated ModuleAPI object named myModuleAPI that is connected to Noah.

The code in this sample will create an action object where the action object’s CreateDate property is set to a date that is different from today’s date. If there is no Session available for the chosen ‘CreateDate’ one will be created by Noah.

public void AddNonCurrentAction()


// myModuleAPI is the modules only instance of the Himsa.Noah.Modules.ModuleAPI

// class.

// Does the ModuleAPI object have a selected patient?

if (myModuleAPI == null || myModuleAPI.CurrentPatient == null ||

    myModuleAPI.EditOldActionsAllowed == false)


// Create a new Action object to be added as a NonCurrent Action.

Himsa.Noah.Modules.Action actionToAdd = new Himsa.Noah.Modules.Action


        DataType = new Himsa.Noah.Modules.DataType

{ Code = 1, Format = 0, FormatExt = 0},Description = "The action's description"


// Add the action object - and back date it 3 days.



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