All Noah ES Client Installations Need to Upgrade to version 4.14 by Feb 11, 2022

HIMSA released Noah 4.14 on Jan 11, 2022. This version includes support for the new Location and Groups feature but also includes a number of behind-the-scenes improvements that will help the Noah ES client software run smoothly with greater stability for the future.

As we end the testing period for Noah ES HIMSA does need to ask that you upgrade all of your Noah ES client installations as soon as you can and by February 11th. After this date, HIMSA will not offer support for 4.13 with Noah ES. More importantly, HIMSA will stop testing efforts with this 4.13 after Feb 11, 2022.


Q: Do I need to upgrade all of my PCs to 4.14 at the same time?

A: No, you can perform this task as you have time. It is completely fine to have some of your PC’s using 4.13 and some using 4.14

Q: Will I need to perform this type of upgrade many more times in 2022?

A: This is not in HIMSA’s plans. We routinely make a number of changes to the Noah ES Client software but can, in most cases, do so by automatic updates over the internet. This change is the type that we are not able to automatically perform.

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