WSI SDK - Full Document

WSI SDK - Full Document

This document is designed to help you to program and set up a “Back-end Web Service” (BEWS).

Use the links in the right-hand menu for more information on WSI and how to use the WSI software development kit (SDK).

Overview of Changes for Noah 4.15 - Additional Data Support Conformance level 4 and higher
Overview of changes with Noah 4.5, 4.6, 4.7
Overview of changes with Noah 4.4
Overview of changes with Noah 4.3
Mandatory knowledge
Export of data out of Noah
Import data to Noah
The Back-end System Patient ID = BESPID

Supported data/action types
Full patient record import/export
Error handling
Using the NOAH Web Service
string GetImageOfData
AD:New Noah WSI methods:
The Back End Webservice
Using NOAHBSPatientRecordTransferIntegServer
Using NoahWebIntegrationGUIStart
Start Windows Service
Archive Management
Configuration forms
E-Mail settings
Export configuration
Import Configuration
Web DB Settings
Patient Record Transfer Settings
CustomMetaDataControl configuration
WSI Ports
Automatic Export Flow
Manual export flow
Import to Noah
AD:RequestWSIConformanceLevel Flow and Appendix 1: Error Codes
AD:Appendix 2: Import flow
AD:Appendix 3: Noah4 system architecture

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