Web Service Test Setup Guide

Web Service Test Setup Guide

Test of Web Service Integration for Noah System

This document will describe how to set up a test environment using HIMSA’s sample component, the Noah 4 WSI Back End Simulator.

The Web Service Integration (WSI) installer is described in more detail in the following document in the WSI SDK, “WS Developers Guide”.

High level description of Setup

Set up of a test environment

The test environment comes complete with the Noah 4 WSI Back End simulator.  This is a sample backend web service that will show the methods and functions available for the WSI backend system. The Noah 4 WSI Back End Simulator is available both as source code and as a compiled component. In the steps below we are setting up the compiled component to demonstrate how WSI and a backend system work.

Needed Components

  • Noah installation

  • WSI license (Get your license from the company contact person. This person will have received it from HIMSA.)

  • Back End Simulator.zip (download from WSI SDK)

  • WSI Installer

Setup flow

  1. Install Noah 4.x.

          a. There are no special requirements, install Noah System 4 as normal.

          b. License Noah System.

      2. Install your company WSI license.

      3. Run the NoahWSISetupXXXX.exe.

           a.  If you are running the HIMSA sample “Back End Simulator’ on the same PC as Noah, you can just click OK all the way through the  WSI installation.

           b. If you are running the “Back End Simulator” on a separate machine from the Noah System 4 installation, you must update the “BackEndWebServiceName” with the name of the PC where the “Back End Simulator” will be running.

           c. The configuration settings are described in more detail in the “Configuration forms” section of the WSI SDK, “WS Developers Guide.”

           d. Reboot at the end of the WSI installation as requested.

           e. After reboot, launch Noah System 4.

      4. Noah System will need to configure the WSI installation.

          a. Select “Yes” if you see a message like the one below.

       b. You will see the message below.  Select “Yes” to reboot.  This will complete the Noah System 4 WSI update.

      5. Unzip the “Back End Simulator.zip” and select the “NoahBSOtherEnd.exe” from the “Noah 4 System Integration Back End Simulator” folder.

      6. Open Noah System 4.

      7. You are now up and running.

      8. Test Export of data from Noah.

          a. Go into Noah 4 and create an Audiogram action.  

              i. After 5-10 seconds it should be visible in the Back End Simulator window. 

         b. Try to save different actions and see that they all are transferred to the Back End Simulator 

              i. If you highlight a data line in the Back End Simulator, you can right click on the line to get options. 

       9. Now to test Importing of data to Noah.

           a. Right click on a data line in the Back End System simulator and select “Copy XML to clipboard” 

               b. Press the “Export 2 Noah” button. 

                    i. Paste the clipboard data into the data window in the Export 2 Noah control.

                    ii. You can now change data.

                        1. Delete the Noah GUID element as this would not normally come from the Back End system. 

                         Delete this line: <pt:PatientGUID>{d7d9fe49-6796-4374-b664ca4c2da27c64}</pt:PatientGUID>  

                         2. Change first name and last name.

                         3.  IMPORTANT: Change the Back End System Patient ID to something unique and not a Back End System Patient ID that has  already been assigned to another patient.


            c. Select "Ok" to export the data from the Back End System to Noah.

            d. Go to Noah System 4, press f5 and now you will see the new Patient you have created.

            e. Try different combinations for getting data back into Noah.

      10. Test to Query for data in Noah.

            a. Press the BesQuery button and select which data to query.

                 i. In the sample below we have requested the Noah sends all Audiogram actions and REM actions between January 1st, 2020 and February 6, 2020 for all patients in the database. 

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