The Noah ES Data Migrator tool - Simple Mode

The Noah ES Data Migrator tool - Simple Mode

Prepare to Migrate

  • Run the Noah System DB Maintenance tool before migration. ** If you are on Noah 4.15 the DB Maintenance has already been run on your database and you can skip this step.
    Noah System DB Maintenance

  • When you run the Noah ES Migrator Tool under the default Simple tab, it will automatically create nhax files from your Noah System database, then upload and import the nhax files to Noah ES

  • Before beginning the migration to Noah ES, check your Noah System patient numbering setup in the Noah Console under Server Administration, Patient Numbering Tool. The default setting in Noah ES is automatic patient numbering. If you are using manual patient numbering in Noah System, change the patient numbering in Noah ES to Manual BEFORE migrating data to Noah ES. The setting for patient numbering is found in the Noah ES Portal under Settings, Patient Numbering.

  • When you migrate data to Noah ES using the Simple tab, the files are encrypted automatically and no password needs to be entered when creating the enhax files or when they are imported.

  • User Requirements:

    • Must be a Windows administrator

    • Must be a user in Noah-ES, all data migrated with be done with the user's credentials.

    • The Noah System user must have the permission “exporting patients by Noah Native format”

Related Topics

Does your business have the need to organize patients into different locations and groups? Before moving patient data it will be to your advantage to learn more about Locations and Groups




Migrate the eNhax files to Noah ES

Download Noah ES Data Migrator


  1. Close Noah System or Noah ES if running

  2. Download the Noah ES Migrator Tool from this page, download found directly above.

  3. Unzip the file and run “NoahESDataMigratorGUI.exe”

  4. Select either Production US or Production EU based on your location

  5. Verify that the Time Zone listed matches the time zone of your location

  6. Select Generate Patient Migration files

  7. Log in with a Noah System account that has export privileges, click OK

  8. The creation of the patient migration files in enhax format will begin, and complete. Patient migration files are generated based on file size.
    Click Close when it reports ‘The patient migration files have been generated.’

  9. Click Start, you will be prompted to login to your Noah ES account

    1. you must log in with an account that has the “Import / Export in Noah Native Formats” permission (note that Level 2 users do not have this per default)

    2. you will not see Noah ES open, just the message that you have been logged in

    3. once logged in, click back on the Migrator Tool

  10. The upload and migration will begin, progress will be shown under Status in the tool.

    1. The Status will first report Validating as it reviews the data in the enhax

    2. Next the tool reports Uploading – the enhax files are moved to the Noah cloud

    3. Status is Uploaded – once all enhax files have been moved

    4. Next the migration tool moves to Processing, depending on the size of the database and number of files this step may take some time:

    5. When finished tool will report Completed

  11. Once complete you will see message that you can now close the program.


Verify the data was moved successfully

In the Noah ES Data Migrator you can see when the migration is complete under Status and under Files.

The number of files uploaded and number of patient records migrated is displayed.

Review the Status to verify no files were Skipped or Failed.

If any records failed or files were skipped they have not successfully moved to Noah ES. Please review the Error Report for details.

First step to resolve this would be to re-migrate the database with the goal of 0 records Skipped, 0 records Failed.

Report any problems by selecting the ‘View error report’ and then saving and uploading to the Noah ES Support Portal.

Submit an issue or Question - Noah ES Online Help Desk



Migrate additional patient records at a later date

If you have done the main migration from a Noah System database but add or update additional records to Noah System before you make the final move to Noah ES, you can use the Data Migrator to search for and migrate ‘Patient modified since’ to select recent records.