Moving your patient database to Noah ES
Latest Data Migrator version:
Data Migration tool will copy and securely transfer data to Noah ES
The data migration tool must run on a PC that will not need to use Noah System 4 with patients during the migration. However, it is possible for other PC workstations to use Noah System 4 and Noah ES while this process is running.
The Noah ES Data Migrator tool has two options, the default Simple mode which will automatically create patient migration files from the Noah System database, then upload and import the files to Noah ES, or the Advanced tab which allows for the manual upload of enhax to Noah ES
Migration will support moving data from the CE database, SQLite database, a SQL Server database, and from Noah compatible business systems that support the nhax format
Data migrated into Noah ES must come from Noah System 4.14 or higher
Any errors or problems, the migration tool will stop and report the specific error
Running the Noah System DB Maintenance Tool will prepare the Noah System for migration, this step is highly recommended for an trouble free move to Noah ES. See link and directions here:
Noah System DB MaintenanceIf the Hearing Care Business is merging several offices/databases into one account, it is recommended to migrate all databases to Noah ES and after all migrations are complete then look to merge any duplicate records.
After all nhax files have been migrated to Noah ES, the hearing care professional will run the Search for Duplicate Patients program from the Noah Console to combine any duplicate patient records. Details on using the Search for Duplicate Patients program can be found here:
Merge Duplicate Patients Feature in Noah ES
Related Topics
Does your business have the need to organize patients into different locations and groups? Before moving patient data it will be to your advantage to learn more about Locations and Groups
For Step by Step directions, click on The Noah ES Data Migrator
The Noah ES Data Migrator tool - Simple Mode
To prepare the Noah System database for migrations, click on Noah System DB Maintenance Tool
Q & A
Q. Can I just use the traditional Noah Import to move data to Noah ES and Merge any duplicate records as they import?
A. Exporting from Noah System and Importing into Noah ES is an alternate way to move data for smaller databases, but the export and import process is much more time intensive and not at all recommended for large databases. Also, still advised to run the DB Maintenance Tool before exporting from Noah System 4.14.2 databases.
Q & A
Q. How long will it take to migrate my Noah System database to Noah ES?
A. The timing of the data migration to Noah ES will depend on the size of the Noah database and the speed of the internet connection, but it is a methodical process. As a rough estimate you can expect one or two seconds per patient record but the size of each patient record is individual, so it is not an absolute measure.
In a Noah network environment it is possible to continue to work in Noah System or in Noah ES while the migration is taking place, you just cannot be on the machine where the Noah ES Data Migration tool is running. So for example, the migration tool can run on the Noah server while clients continue to work in Noah ES or Noah System.