WSI Business System – Procedure

WSI Business System – Procedure

The test procedure for WSI Business System is similar to full business systems but a major difference being that the business system developer performs almost all testing by themselves and HIMSA reviews test reports.  There are some exceptions depending on the level of integration the developer has chosen. Please see the actual test documentation for more detail.

Test Documents







In this flow chart the member company wishes version 1.0 of the business system to be certified and schedules a date for HIMSA to perform the testing.


Before the software is submitted to HIMSA the member conducts conformance testing which stresses the software for the proper integration with Noah. During this process the member company will record the completion of each test step. The completion of the test steps can be performed by a human or automated tester.


The member company will next submit a signed test report, test steps completed and software to HIMSA.


HIMSA will then perform the test steps that HIMSA is responsible for. Generally, these test steps focus on the important integration points as well as ensure that the software does not impact other certified software in negative/critical manner.


If the HIMSA testing is completed successfully the business system will be granted certification. HIMSA will publicly list the business system as certified.


If the test is not completed successfully or the member company simply wishes to have HIMSA perform a preliminary test the certification will not be granted.




When the company develops a new updated version then the member company can start the process over. 

Business System developers are required to submit their newest version at least once per year (12 months) to retain certification.

Minimum Yearly Submission

Each business system licensee is required to submit a new conformance test and schedule an integration test with HIMSA at least one time per year if the system has released a newer version of the system. If the system fails to submit for a new certification at least once per year and a new version(s) has been released to end users HIMSA will revoke all previous certifications.

Q: Why does this requirement exist?

A: HIMSA has received a great deal of complaints from hearing instrument and audiological equipment manufacturers. The complaint is that the version of the system being used for testing by HIMSA is greatly out of date and this raises a great deal of concern while these companies are investigating possible integration problems. This requirement provides a more up-to-date system available to HIMSA to provide better testing.

Q: My Noah related code in my system is very separate from the code which provides my other system features. My company updates non-Noah related features more often. If I have made several releases of my system without touching the Noah related code am I still required to submit a new version to HIMSA once per year?

A: Yes, all other companies testing against your system have no way of seeing for themselves which code has changed in the different versions of your software.

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