HIMSA Certification Policy
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.HIMSA II K/S MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WITH REGARD TO THIS MATERIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OR SUITABILITY FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. HIMSA II K/S shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental consequential damages in connection with the supply of, performance of, or use of this material. This document contains proprietary information which is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No parts of this document may be photocopied, reproduced or translated to another language without the prior permission of HIMSA II K/S. Copyright © 2016 HIMSA |
Document Introduction and Style
This policy document is presented so that the reader can gain as much information they need or want to in regards to the HIMSA certification program. There are more links to additional information depending on the type of product being integrated with a HIMSA product.
This document does not require technical experience. This document is written with the assumption that the reader will fall into one of the following categories:
Software Business Manager
Project Manager / Team Leader
Quality Assurance department employee
Software Developer
Covered Products
The certification program covers both software and hardware – The general term “Solution” will be used in the rest of the documents. The following HIMSA products are included:
o General Noah (Engine) – Noah System
o Noah 4 Compatible Business Systems (full business system)
o WSI (Web Service Integration)
o Noah 4 and 3 API modules
o The certification process also covers hardware which is commonly used between many different manufacturers
Noahlink Wireless and NOAHlink
HIPRO (not a HIMSA product but included in testing)
Noah 4 Mobile API
Certification can only be granted or maintained when related to a HIMSA supported version for a given solution.
Goals of the Certification Program
The most important goal of the certification program is that obtaining certification represents a quality testing program. It is very important that hearing care professionals, member companies, and HIMSA can feel that the certification program is reliable. The certification program will be continually monitored and updated to meet the ever-changing software and hardware environments. Changes will be made to address new issues and provide the most efficient test procedures possible.
The following is a list of goals for the certification program. These goals provide details as to how the polices are formed. Each item provides more details as to the goal:
1.01 – Hearing Care Industry is in control
1.02 – Prevent inter solution -company problems
1.03 – Member companies want to avoid critical problems
1.04 – HCP’s expect conflict-free solutions
1.05 – HIMSA expects conflict-free solutions
1.06 – Certification with little or no outside company involvement
1.08 – Quickly Determine Certification Status
1.09 – Data Integrity and Usability