IMC Proxy

What is the IMC Proxy?

IMC (Inter-module communication) is a direct Module to Module communication developed by HIMSA to facilitate the process of fitting and measurement applications working directly together (Real Ear and Hearing Instrument Fitting).

Noah is NOT a part of the communication itself but only acts as a initiating broker to set up the communication from the initiating IMCClient (e.g. the fitting module) to the IMCServer (measurement module). Noah does not take part in the communication but delivers a communication channel for the IMC modules to use.


However to enable .Net 6(5,….) modules to communicate with previous Noah 4 and Noah 3 IMC module a proxy layer are provided by HIMSA to make the communication transparent for the IMC modules.

The static diagram when communication is running after initiation 

The ModuleApiProxy contains both to IMCServer og IMCClient proxies.

The IMCClient/Server proxy in the exe that holds the REST interface towards .Net 5/6.. modules will be the object communicating like a non REST component (like an existing IMC module) to the existing Noah.

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