Postman - Patient Search
Purpose: Document how to search by a patient record by First Name, Last Name and Date of Birth.
Generate an Access token
Set access token in authorization in Postman route.
1.) The {tenantid} needs to be removed and replaced.
*Note: I have created variable for the tenantId
Variable I set, pictured below.
2.) Params
Skip and Take are required Parameters.
3.) Headers
The X-idempotent-ID needs to be unique.
The X-Api-Version needs to be set. Since there is only version 1.0 at this time, that is what I have used.
4.) Body
Below is the JSON for my example. I have a patient named Patient Search with October 4, 1973 for their birth data.
*Note: Take notice of the DoB format. The correct format must be used. See Picture below.
"personalData": {
"firstName": "Patient",
"lastName": "Search",
"birthDate": "1973-10-04"
5.) Results
You should get a Status: 200 OK message.
You should also see something like this in the return body of the route.
*NOTE: In the return body of the route, you will see the patientid. I mention this because you may need this for other routes you wish to run.
Full return body of the route
"skip": 0,
"take": 100,
"size": 1,
"items": [
"patientId": "e71d9d31-49d9-47eb-9579-df4669330023",
"legacyPatientId": 11420,
"created": null,
"updated": null,
"patientDate": null,
"creatorUserAccountId": "f0d680cb-d880-4e99-9568-6f78936a38e2",
"creatorUserInfo": {
"userId": "f0d680cb-d880-4e99-9568-6f78936a38e2",
"legacyUserId": 3,
"idPId": "a9cdc8d9-4c37-418f-9afd-d490d7874ac8"
"patientNo": "2023104",
"firstName": "Patient",
"lastName": "Search",
"middleName": null,
"gender": "Unknown",
"birthDate": "1973-10-04T00:00:00",
"salutation": null,
"title": null,
"address1": null,
"address2": null,
"address3": null,
"province": null,
"zip": null,
"city": null,
"country": null,
"homePhone": null,
"workPhone": null,
"ssnumber": null,
"emailAddress": null,
"insurance1": null,
"insurance2": null,
"referral": null,
"physician": null,
"mobilePhone": null,
"other1": null,
"other2": null,
"active": null,
"comment": null,
"photo": null
"links": [
"rel": "first",
"href": ""