Using the PatientSample application

Using the PatientSample application

HIMSA provides the PatientSample application to allow developers to examine how to access a Business System using the NoahMobile AccessLayer. 

The PatientSample application consists of three files, PatientSample.exe, PatientSample.exe.config and MobileAccessLayer.dll. These files can be copied to any location as long as they remain in the same folder.

Before running the PatientSample application:

  • Make sure that Internet Explorer 10 or later, or a recent version of either the Chrome or Firefox web browser, is installed.

  • The PatientSample application requires .NET 4.5 or better is installed.

  • When running the PatientSample application for the first time.  Make sure the application runs with administrative privileges.

Assuming a NoahMobile enabled Business System has been installed and is running, see Install and configure Noah System (4.5 or later). It should now be accessible to the PatientSample application.

Double-click on the PatientSample.exe file to start the app. Then enter the ‘Noah Mobile Alias,' that you configured in Noah System, into the ‘Friendly name’ field and press the ‘Discover’ button.

This will allow the application to resolve the identity of the RemoteHost, the Business System being accessed, and access it over the Internet.
Now click the ‘Register’ button to perform the registration of PatientSample application.

Once the app is registered, it will be possible to log in and use the application to retrieve patient and action data.

Note: PatientSample is designed to run against the External Test Environment. If needed to test it against the Production environment, the following code snippet should prove useful. It can be called from a .bat file with elevated access to allow PatientSample to run against the Production Environment. Make sure to correct the "PATH" to the location of PatientSample.exe

echo off @echo Patient sample using Production start "" "C:\PATH\PatientSample.exe" -r "https://api.noahmobile.net/" -a "https://auth.noahmobile.net" -c "urn.clientId.aa9c787f-ceed-4002-b661-dda67693908e" -l "prod" -t "MeasurementApp"


Example Usage - Search for a patient, Select, Read the latest Audiogram

  • In Noah System 4, create a patient record (e.g. Joe Smith)

  • Use the Noah 4 Audiogram module to store a pure tone audiogram (e.g. plot AC curve points for the left and right ear). Save the action

  • Open the Patient sample app, select or type in the Noah mobile alias name

  • Select Cloud access

  • Login (remember that the default user ABC is not supported)

  • Click on “Select Patient”

  • Search for “Smith”

  • Select Joe Smith

Selecting the button “Get Actions for patient” will return the actions that are present

If you would like to see further detail:

  • Use the button “Modify Actions”

  • click on “Get All Actions”

  • Use the pull down menu for Actions and Select the Audiogram action

    • Then select “Read Action” at the bottom of the window

  • The public data field will now populate. You can save to file and save as XML.


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