How to Use the Noah 4 Database Tester Tool

How to Use the Noah 4 Database Tester Tool

Download the Noah 4 Database Tester Tool zip from the "Documentation and Samples' section on this page.


After downloading the zip extract it, copy the contents, Noah 4 Database tester.exe and the NoahDatabaseTestReport1.xsl, to C:\Program Files (x86)\HIMSA\Noah 4,  This is to be done on the machine that the database tester will be run on to test the database interface dll for your business system.

How to Use the Noah 4 Database Tester Tool


These directions were written using build 4161/4162 of the Noah 4 Database Tester tool.

Section 1: Explanation of the Noah 4 Database Tester Tool’s Options.

When the Noah 4 Database Tester tool is first launched it will look like the picture below.

*Note:  Some of the fields are filled out with values.  These values are what will work if you were to run the tool on an installation of Noah System 4.9 or Noah System 4.9.1.  These values must be changed to reflect valid users and patients in your database for the tester to work.

A. Known user id

This field should be populated with a known user id in your database.  In the picture above, you will see a value of 8.  This is for the ABC user in Noah System 4.

B.  Password for user id

This field is to be populated with the password for the Known user id.  Populate this field with the password for the user you will be using.  In this example since I am using ABC, I have entered in 123.

C.  Unknown user id

This field is for an Unknown user id in your database.  This should be populated with a user id that does not yet exist in your database.  The value must be a valid value that would be used in your database.  In the Noah System 4 database I am running the Noah 4 Database Tester tool on, there is no user id with the value 12345.  In Noah system we use numerical values for our user ids.  This is why 12345 will work.

D. Unknown patient id

This field is for an Unknown patient id in your database.  This should be populated with a patient id that does not exist in your database.  The value must be a valid value that would be used in your database.  In the Noah System 4 database I am running the Noah 4 Database Tester tool on, there is no patient id with the value 12345.  In Noah system we use numerical values for our patient ids.  That is why 12345 will work.

E. Patient management

**Note: Patient management is misspelled in the tester tool.  In the tester tool it is called Patient managent.  You will see the misspelling in the picture below.

If your business system allows Noah Engine to manage your patients, you will want to have this option checked.  Since Noah System 4 has Patient management enabled I will leave this box checked for this example.

If your business system does not have the patient management feature enabled, you will be required to perform some further steps to run the Noah 4 Database Tester tool.  Follow the steps below. 

***Note: If your business system has patient managent enabled, just disregard these steps because the tester tool will do this for you.  Please go to section 2.  

1)  Uncheck the Patient management box. Like I have done in the picture below.

2)  Now select the “Generate SQL” button right below the Patient managent check box.

a)  You will see the window below once you select the Generate SQL button.

You will see in the description this will generates the SQL needed to create the patient records needed in your database to successfully run the Noah 4 Database tester.  What you are doing is creating a text file that contains the statements needed to create these patients for a CE SQL database or a MS SQL database. 

****Note:  If your business system does not have a CE SQL database or MS SQL database, you will still need to generate either one of the scripts.  You will then need to manually go into your database and create these patients in your patient table.  All the patient data must be created EXACTLY the same as it appears in the text file or the Noah 4 Database Tester will fail.

*****Note:  If you try to change the path in the picture above, you will receive an error.  You will need to leave the path as is.  This is the path where the sql.txt file will be located once it is created by selecting the Ok button.  Please make note of this path so you can find the sql.txt file once it has been created. 

******Note:  It is not recommended you change the Table Name in the GenerateSQL screen.

b)  Once you have made your decision on whether you want to generate CE SQL or MS SQL please select the Ok button. This will create the sql.txt file. 

c)  Now use the script in the sql.txt file to create the patients in your database.

Section 2: Getting the Noah 4 Database Tester, Running it and Reading the Results.


A. Where to Get the Noah 4 Database Tester and how to run it.


  1. Download the tool. Select the link below.  You want the top box, “Documentation and Samples.”  The Noah 4 Database tester is in this list.  As of August 2018, it is the 5th item in the list.

2. Extract the zip on the machine that has your business system installed on it.

3. Now copy the Noah 4 Database Tester.exe and the NoahDatabaseTestReport1.xsl files from the extracted zip. Paste these two files into the HIMSA\Noah 4 directory.  On a Windows 10 Pro(64) computer with Noah Engine 4.9.1, this is the location, C:\Program Files (x86)\HIMSA\Noah 4. Please see the picture below.

4.  Select the Noah 4 Database Tester.exe.

5.  After reading Section 1 of this document, you will be able to fill out the required fields in the Noah 4 Database Tester tool. Please see the picture below.

6.  Select the “Run Test” button to run the Noah 4 Database Tester tool.

7.  Once the Noah 4 Database Tester tool has run, you will receive the results under Test result.

B.  How to Read the Noah 4 Database Tester Tool Results

1.  Results are Test Successful

 If your business system passes all the tests, you will see a “Test Successfull.”  Under Result you will also see OK for all the items tested in the Result column. 

*******Note: Successful is misspelled.  It is spelled as Successfull.

Congratulations.  You are done.

2. Result of the test is Test Contains … errors

If your business System fails a test or tests, you will see, “Test contains … errors.”  In the picture above, you can see I received 7 errors. 

To see which tests I have failed, I must scroll through the results.  In my picture below, you will see tests highlighted in red.  Under the result column it will say “ERROR.”  In my example these are two tests that failed.  In your results the red highlighted tests that have Error in the Result column, are the items that you need to address.  Once the issue has been fixed, the next time you run the Noah 4 Database Tester Tool, this test will say OK and no longer be highlighted in red.

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