Adding a Logo, Patient Manager font and colors, and the module description to the Application

Adding a Logo, Patient Manager font and colors, and the module description to the Application

This appendix has the necessary steps to correctly include module logos, Patient Manager font and colors, and description text will be described.

Note: From Noah 4.8 the logos and the resources can be places in a separate dll or exe. Remember to update the LogoDllPath in the ModuleInstallation process if you wish to do so.

Logo Icon file:
Basically, it is a matter of creating an icon resource containing the necessary icons for standard windows use, along with some special icon sizes. The icon file will be set as the Modules assembly-icon, and Noah is in this way able to retrieve it and use it where appropriate.
Preparation: The icon file that in this guide will be included in the module application will need to contain some custom module sizes, along with the sizes that are recommended to standard windows icon use.
A description about the icon sizes needed for standard windows use, are given here MSDN information about icons

The sizes that you need to add you your assembly icon are:




Module Button


This icon will be displayed on the Module buttons in Noah

Mouseover box


This icon will be shown to the left of the description in the mouseover box.

Action collections


This icon will be displayed in the modules action collections in the Session Browser

It might be an advantage to create this icon file before hand.

Module Description:
Furthermore, the description text that should be displayed while you mouse over the module buttons, should be written, and translated into as many languages as the module supports.

The steps below describe how to add the resource correctly. The screenshots are from Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 (some from Visual Studio 2010), but it should be possible to do in future versions of Visual Studio as well.

  1.  Launch Visual Studio

2.  Open your module project or create a new one.

3.  In the solution explorer, double click the applications resource (resx file) file.

4. The resource view will open. In the resource-type drop down menu, chose Icons.

Click the add resource dropdown, and chose ‘Add Existing File’ and browse to your icon file.

Alternatively, if you don’t have made an icon file, and want to create it in Visual Studio, just click ‘Add resource,' and type in a name for your icon. The name can be whatever you want.

In the icon editor, add the icons to your liking.  See the sizes section of this appendix for an overview of the sizes you need to add.

Note that the icon is added as a resource to the project in the Solution Explorer in a Resources folder.

Set the Access Modifier to Public. The reason for this, is to make all the resources in the resx-file public, and thereby available for Noah.
Also make sure, that the Build Action is set to Embedded Resource. This is in the properties window.

Right click the project-file, and select ‘Properties’.

In the Properties dialog, in the application section, select the icon file from the resources to being the icon of the application.

6.  Switch back to the resource view.

7.  Change to the String resource view.

8.  The task now is to create a String table resource, with descriptions of the module in all the languages which you want to support. The descriptions will be shown in the tooltip which will appear when mousing over the module button. Each row in the string table should correspond to a language.

The string resources must follow a strict naming convention.
The naming convention is that each string should be called moduleDescription prepended by the Locale ID, in decimal form. For instance the Danish translation would be called moduleDescription1030 and the Italian translation would be named moduleDescription1040.

You are free to add as many languages as you want. If the language you have provided isn’t supported, Noah will default to the US English string,1033.

Note: The login screen, Noah4UserLogin.exe, provided by PatientManagerGUI will not implement any style changes. It would keep HIMSA provided style. If a business system is being used the module will not be able to customize PatientManagerGUI as this is seen as more of a business system feature and should not be customizable by outside programs.

Compile and you are done
Give the applications exe file as the ButtonDLL Path when registering the module with Noah.

Patient Manager Font and Colors:

In addition to descriptions, Transparent Noah modules will have the ability to change the style, e.g, color, font size etc, for the PatientManagerGUI provided by NOAH System. In order to make the PatientManagerGUI controls look more like their own modules, the following entries must be added to the string table, the values provided in the table below are subject to change by module developer.






Font color (foreground) used by the PatientManagerGUI.



Font size used by the PatientManagerGUI.



This color would be used when user will hover mouse over a patient record.



This color would be used when user will click on a patient record to select it.



This color would be used for the status bar of PatientManagerGUI.



This color would be used as a background color for PatientManagerGUI.

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