50138 error after selecting NoahES US or NoahES EU at the login
The 50138 occurs after selecting NoahES US or NoahES EU at the log in:
In this case the profile that points to Noah ES may have been corrupted. There are two solutions to fix the corrupted profiles, the Noah Fix Server Profiles Tool or manual steps to recreate the file.
Noah Fix Server Profiles Tool:
Download and run the Noah Fix Server Profiles tool:
If the tool successfully fixes the profile, you'll see a popup message.
If the message indicates no profiles were updated and you're still getting the 50138 error, proceed with the manual fix.
Manual Fix for corrupted Server Profiles
Create a new profile:
Close out of the error message
Navigate to C:\ProgramData\HIMSA\Noah
If Program Data is not visible, see details here: How to view the Program Data directory
Under View, choose to Show ‘File name extensions’
Locate the file BusinessSystemSettings.xml
If the .xml is not visible, see details here: How to show file extensions
Right click and rename the .xml extension to .test
Launch Noah and click Next on the “Welcome to Noah System 4'
In the Configuration Wizard, choose the option to store patient records in Noah ES
Click Next, Next and Finish
At the log in drop down, select NoahES US or NoahES EU depending on your location
Other Errors
If renaming the business system settings file does not resolve, see further troubleshooting steps here:
Noah ES Cloud Client Shim re creation for error 50138
If you are not able to resolve with the steps above, have questions or need help, please submit an issue thru the Noah ES Help desk:
Submit an issue or Question - Noah ES Online Help Desk