Connecting the Module

Connecting the Module

After the ModuleAPI is instantiated, the module must connect itself to Noah, using the Connect method of the ModuleAPI object. The module can either connect as an ordinary module or as a print handler. In the latter case special rules must be obeyed. For an overview, refer to the ‘Namespaces,' under 'ModuleAPI Assembly' in the Noah 4 'ModuleAPI.chm' file.
NOTE: Based on requests from HIMSA’s licensees, only one fitting and one measurement module may be connected concurrently. This means that two fitting modules can be launched at the same time, but only one of them can be connected to Noah.

If a module connects as print handler the module is allowed to connect even if another module of the same kind is connected, but the module is only allowed to print, and must disconnect immediately when the printing is done.

When a patient is switched in Noah a true Noah 4 module does not have to disconnect and connect again to update the patient. The module can simply react to the “PatientChanged” event. Since this is a newer event the module will need to tell Noah that it can react to it (in order not to get the “ModuleDisconnect” event). The module will simply have to set the “switchPatientWithoutDisconnect” Boolean to true during the connection call. Please refer to the connect method in ‘Namespaces,' under 'ModuleAPI Assembly' in the Noah 4 'ModuleAPI.chm' file for more information.

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