Appendix B - Constant Definitions
In this appendix, the different Constants that are relevant for Module and Business System Developers will be described. Basically, they can be split into three categories:
Manufacturer codes
Module Categories
Manufacturer codes
Each HIMSA licensee is assigned a unique manufacturer code. This code is used to tell Noah:
if the module is from a HIMSA licensee (modules without a valid manufacturer code will not be displayed)
if the licensee already has a module button displayed on the Module Bar
You need to contact Himsa to get a manufacturer code - contact information can be found at Himsa webpage -
Module Categories
There are three types of modules: measurement modules, fitting modules and other modules. Upon installation, a module must tell NOAH to which category it belongs.
Constant | Value | Meaning |
mcFitting | 0 | Fitting module |
mcMeasurement | 1 | Measurement module |
mcOther | 2 | Other type of module |
When a module needs to store an action in the NOAH database, it must inform NOAH of the data type of the action to be stored. The currently defined types of data in the NOAH 3 system database are listed below.
Constant | Value | Meaning |
dtcAudiogram | 1 | Audiograms of different types, both ears |
dtcREM_L | 3 | Real Ear Measurements, left ear |
dtcREM_R | 4 | Real Ear Measurements, right ear |
dtcHITest_L | 5 | Hearing Instrument tests, left ear |
dtcHITest_R | 6 | Hearing Instrument tests, right ear |
dtcERA_L | 7 | Electric Response Audiometry, left ear |
dtcERA_R | 8 | Electric Response Audiometry, right ear |
dtcSOE_L | 9 | Spontaneous Otoacoustic Emissions, left ear |
dtcSOE_R | 10 | Spontaneous Otoacoustic Emissions, right ear |
dtcTEOE_L | 11 | Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions, left ear |
dtcTEOE_R | 12 | Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions, right ear |
dtcDPOE_L | 13 | Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions, left ear |
dtcDPOE_R | 14 | Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions, right ear |
dtcImpedance_L | 15 | Impedance measurements, left ear |
dtcImpedance_R | 16 | Impedance measurements, right ear |
dtcLoudnessScaling_L | 17 | Loudness Scaling, left ear |
dtcLoudnessScaling_R | 18 | Loudness Scaling, right ear |
dtcMCR_L | 19 | Most Comfortable Range measurement, left ear |
dtcMCR_R | 20 | Most Comfortable Range measurement, right ear |
dtcNYS_L | 21 | NYS, left ear |
dtcNYS_R | 22 | NYS, right ear |
dtcVideoOtoscopy_L | 23 | Video otoscopy, left ear |
dtcVideoOtoscopy_R | 24 | Video otoscopy, right ear |
dtcDPIOC_L | 25 | Distortion Product Input-Output Curve, left ear |
dtcDPIOC_R | 26 | Distortion Product Input-Output Curve, right ear |
dtcOAEProbeFitting_L | 27 | OAE Probe Fitting, left ear |
dtcOAEProbeFitting_R | 28 | OAE Probe Fitting, right ear |
dtcOAEScreening_L | 29 | OAE Screening, left ear |
dtcOAEScreening_R | 30 | OAE Screening, right ear |
dtcOtherMeasurement_L | 125 | Other measurements, left ear |
dtcOtherMeasurement_R | 126 | Other measurements, right ear |
dtcHISelection_L | 129 | Hearing Instrument Selection, left ear |
dtcHISelection_R | 130 | Hearing Instrument Selection, right ear |
dtcHIFitting_L | 131 | Hearing Instrument Fitting, left ear |
dtcHIFitting_R | 132 | Hearing Instrument Fitting, right ear |
dtcRCSelection | 133 | Remote Control Selection |
dtcHIInfo | 135 | Other Hearing Instrument information – both ears |
dtcOtherFitting_L | 136 | Other fitting, left ear |
dtcOtherFitting_R | 137 | Other fitting, right ear |
dtcJournalEntry | 256 | Journal Entry |
dtcOtherInfo | 257 | Other Information |
dtcOrderForm | 258 | Order Form |
dtcQuestionaireInfo | 259 | Questionaire Information |
dtcFileAttachment | 260 | File Attachment |
dtcEarscan_L | 261 | Earscan , left ear |
dtcEarscan_R | 262 | Earscan , right ear |
dtcReserved | 512 | Values up to 512 are reserved by HIMSA |
Adding new constants
There are two situations where constants can be added to the System Database:
When HIMSA adds a new constant: When a company becomes a HIMSA licensee, HIMSA assigns the company a Manufacturer code.
When a HIMSA licensee submits a proposal for adding a constant in the System Database and the proposal is accepted: A licensee may wish to add a new data type constant that supports a new type of data format.