Launching and Connecting to Noah 2/3/4 Modules

Launching and Connecting to Noah 2/3/4 Modules

Noah 4 supports modules which are developed for NOAH 2 and 3. Therefore, a business system should be able to launch a NOAH 2/3 module. The Noah 4 system aids the business system in launching NOAH 2/3 modules by facilitating an Active single document container which hosts the NOAH 2/3 modules. For the business system it will be necessary to call the method LaunchWithAction on the module object which represents the module to be launched. The argument is an action object either gathered from the action collection available on the session currently active, or null, in which case the module will launch without any data. The Business API will keep track of the actual version of the module (Noah 2/3/4) and launch it accordingly. (For a more detailed description of the launch sequence, please refer to More Information_N4 Business System API.)

The module object can be found in the Module collection property available on the Business API. The sample code below shows the launch of a module in the sample business system: Please note that a module can be null, if the module for some reason is not available on the PC, then it is up to the business system to check if a module alias is available or check if another can be used by checking the CanShow/CanMake property.

private void TreeView1_nodeMouseDoubleClick(object sender, TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e)


            string name = e.Node.Name;

            if (e.Button.ToString() == "Left")


                switch (name)


                    case "Actions":


Action action = (Action) e.Node.Tag;

Module module = (Module) action.Module;









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