Noah Mobile SDK Business System Documentation

Noah Mobile SDK Business System Documentation

With the release of Noah 4.5, Noah Mobile services were made available to Noah users. 

IMPORTANT: Noah Mobile will require Noah 4.9 after November 7th 2018 !

Microsoft has announced that for security reasons, it is retiring/migrating their Azure Access Control Service (ACS) by November 7th, 2018.Noah versions prior to Noah 4.9 are all set up with encryption keys of the ACS type. This means that from November 7th 2018, Noah Mobile apps will no longer be able to communicate with Noah System versions prior to Noah 4.9 or Noah compatible business systems based on Noah 4.8 and earlier. To avoid issues with your Noah Mobile app, please ensure that your customers upgrade to Noah 4.9.1 before this date to ensure continued communication. Business Systems which support Noah Mobile apps will also need to use Noah 4.9 and later. When your customer upgrades to Noah 4.9, the upgrade process will migrate the user to use SAS keys for data encryption.

Noah Mobile is an extension of the Noah 4 Framework which allows apps e.g. on a mobile device to access Noah data from a Noah 4 Business System via the Noah Mobile REST API. This SDK documentation provides the necessary guidelines for adding Noah Mobile to your existing Business System.

IMPORTANT: It is a mandatory requirement for all business system member companies to add Noah Mobile support to their Noah-compatible Business System.

When this feature is enabled in your Noah-compatible Business System, an app will be able to access Noah data in an alternative way to a traditional Noah module on a PC. For a general overview, read the Noah Mobile Whitepaper.

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