Appendix C – Module Bar Icons
This section explains how to extract module icon that is displayed as module button on module bar.
There could be several ways of extracting icons from Noah 3 (.dll) for 4 (.exe) modules. Here is how Noah 4 GUI (Module Bar) extracts icon from Modules:
BusinessSystemExternalControlsLibrary.Converters defines a Converter class named as
ModuleImageConverter, which is used to extract the module icon of size 115 * 33.
Here is the usage example:
Xaml code:
<Image Name="imgLogoDLLPath" Width="115" Height="35"/>
C# code:
BitmapImage bi3 = new BitmapImage();
bi3.UriSource = new Uri(firstModule.LogoDLLPath, UriKind.Relative);
ModuleImageConverter imageConverter = new ModuleImageConverter();
imgLogoDLLPath.Source = (ImageSource) imageConverter.Convert(firstModule.LogoDLLPath, null,
null, null);
You can also directly bind the converter in XAML, First define the declaration at the top of xaml file.
Than define the image tag with and remember to pass bindings.
<Image Source="{Binding Path=Module.LogoDLLPath, Converter={StaticResource