NOAH 4.9 Changes and New Requirements

NOAH 4.9 Changes and New Requirements

Noah 4.9 includes important changes to correctly address new Microsoft Azure technology as well as the European GDPR data privacy regulations.

Please be aware of the following Noah Mobile requirements when upgrading your Noah-compatible business system to Noah 4.9.

Noah Mobile will require Noah 4.9 after November 7th 2018 !

Microsoft has announced that for security reasons, it is retiring/migrating their Azure Access Control Service (ACS) by November 7th, 2018. Noah versions prior to Noah 4.9 are all set up with encryption keys of the ACS type. This means that from November 7th 2018, Noah Mobile apps will no longer be able to communicate with Noah compatible business systems based on Noah 4.8 and earlier. Business Systems which support Noah Mobile apps will need to use Noah 4.9 and later. When your customer upgrades to Noah 4.9, the upgrade process will migrate the user to use SAS keys for data encryption.

Noah 4.9 Requires users to re-enable Noah Mobile

Noah 4.9 includes several security changes based on the European GDPR data security requirements. This means that when your customer upgrades to Noah 4.9 they will be required to accept the Noah Mobile Data Processing Agreement (DPA) in order to continue to use Noah Mobile functionality. The installer will turn Noah Mobile off on the Noah Server. The user will need to go in and re-enable Noah Mobile, and accept the DPA that HIMSA can act as a Data Processor while transmitting data through the Azure environment.

Additional dependencies for Noah Mobile support

Due to the GDPR implementation in Noah 4.9, HIMSA has discovered additional dependencies that must be included in order to implement the Noah Mobile Configuration window that resides inside NoahExternalComponents.dll.

If you have developed your own Noah Mobile Configuration dialog, HIMSA has updated the list of functions in the BusinessAPI to include additional 4.9 functions required for your dialog.

For more information, refer to Implementing a Noah Mobile Configuration Dialog.

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