CustomMetaDataControl configuration

CustomMetaDataControl configuration

The CustomMetaDataControl is only used when doing manual WSI. It is a way to capture extra information about the session – which is solely exported to the BES. It is not stored in Noah. It is also possible to set up a signing process – which will request a special signature from the person who is exporting the data. See sample “CustomMetaDataControl” section “CustomMetaData”

Assembly: The name of the assembly to be used for CustomMetaData. On input this must be the full path, the assembly must exist, on the local server pc.

Control Name: The name of the UserControl in the assembly that implements the interface ICustomMetaDataCtrl. The combobox contains a list of control names that implements the ICustomMetaData interface in the assembly. (Defined in CommonControlsLibrary.dll)

Version: The version of the Assembly specified above.

When the configuration is saved into the database the assembly is saved to the database as well.

The assembly is then parsed to the client pc’s on request, if the clients assembly has a lower version.